Single Herb Glossary
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Hǎi Dài 海帶
Hǎi Gé Fěn (Hǎi Gé Ke) 海蛤粉
Hai Jin Sha 海金沙
Hǎi Piāo Xiāo 海螵蛸
Hǎi Tóng Pí 海桐皮
Hǎi Zǎo 海藻
Han Fang Ji 漢防己
Hàn Lián Cǎo 旱蓮草
Hán Shuǐ Shí 寒水石
Hé Huān Pí 合歡皮
Hè Shī 鶴虱
Hé Shǒu Wū (Zhì) (制) 何首烏
Hē Zǐ 訶子
Hēi Zhī Má 黑芝麻
Hóng Huā 紅花
Hóng Téng 紅藤
Hong Zao 紅棗
Hou Po 厚樸
Hóu Zǎo 猴棗
Hǔ Gǔ 虎骨
Hú Huáng Liān 胡黃連
Hú Jiāo 胡椒
Hú Lú Bā 胡蘆巴
Hǔ Pò 琥珀
Hú Táo Rén (Hé Táo Rén) 胡桃仁
Huā Jiāo (Chuān) 花椒
Hua Shi 滑石
Huái Huā Mǐ 槐花米
Huái Niú Xī 懷牛膝
Huáng Bǎi 黃柏
Huáng Jīng 黄精
Huáng Lián 黃連
Huáng Qí 黃芪
Huáng Qín 黃芩
Huáng Yào Zǐ 黄藥子
Huǒ Má Rén 火麻仁
Huo Xiang (Guang) 藿香
Hǎi Dài 海帶
Hǎi Gé Fěn (Hǎi Gé Ke) 海蛤粉
Hai Jin Sha 海金沙
Hǎi Piāo Xiāo 海螵蛸
Hǎi Tóng Pí 海桐皮
Hǎi Zǎo 海藻
Han Fang Ji 漢防己
Hàn Lián Cǎo 旱蓮草
Hán Shuǐ Shí 寒水石
Hé Huān Pí 合歡皮
Hè Shī 鶴虱
Hé Shǒu Wū (Zhì) (制) 何首烏
Hē Zǐ 訶子
Hēi Zhī Má 黑芝麻
Hóng Huā 紅花
Hóng Téng 紅藤
Hong Zao 紅棗
Hou Po 厚樸
Hóu Zǎo 猴棗
Hǔ Gǔ 虎骨
Hú Huáng Liān 胡黃連
Hú Jiāo 胡椒
Hú Lú Bā 胡蘆巴
Hǔ Pò 琥珀
Hú Táo Rén (Hé Táo Rén) 胡桃仁
Huā Jiāo (Chuān) 花椒
Hua Shi 滑石
Huái Huā Mǐ 槐花米
Huái Niú Xī 懷牛膝
Huáng Bǎi 黃柏
Huáng Jīng 黄精
Huáng Lián 黃連
Huáng Qí 黃芪
Huáng Qín 黃芩
Huáng Yào Zǐ 黄藥子
Huǒ Má Rén 火麻仁
Huo Xiang (Guang) 藿香
Find by Category
- Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices
- Aromatic that Transform Dampness
- Calm the Spirit
- Clear Heat from Deficiency
- Clear Heat, Cool Blood
- Clear Heat, Drain Fire
- Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
- Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
- Cool, Acrid, Release the Exterior
- Dispel Wind-Dampness
- Downward Draining
- Drain Damp
- Expel Parasites
- Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors
- Food Stagnation
- Invigorate Blood
- Obsolete and Prohibited Substances
- Parasites
- Regulate Qi
- Stabilize and Bind
- Stop Bleeding
- Stop Cough, Calm Wheezing
- Substances for Topical Applications
- Tonify Blood
- Tonify Qi
- Tonify Yang
- Tonify Yin
- Transform Phlegm Heat
- Transform Phlegm-Cold
- Warm Interior, Expel Cold
- Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior
- Warms the Interior, Expel Cold
This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.