Single Herb Glossary
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Cán Shā 蠶砂
Cāng Ěr Zǐ 蒼耳子
Cang Zhu 蒼朮
Cao Dou Kou 草豆蔻
Cao Guo 草果
Cè Bǎi Yè 側柏葉
Chái Hú 柴胡
Chán Sū 蟾酥
Chán Tuì 蟬蜕
Che Qian Zi 車前子
Chén Pí (Jú Pí) 陳皮
Chén Xiāng 沉香
Chi Fu Ling 赤茯苓
Chì Sháo 赤芍
Chì Shí Zhī 赤石脂
Chi Xiao Dou 赤小豆
Chuān Bèi Mǔ 川貝母
Chuān Liàn Zǐ (Jīn Líng Zǐ) 川楝子
Chuān Niú Xī 川牛膝
Chuān Shān Jiǎ 穿山甲
Chuān Xīn Lián 穿心蓮
Chuān Xiōng 川芎
Chūn (Gēn) Pí 椿(根)皮
Cí Shí 磁石
Cōng Bái 蔥白
Cán Shā 蠶砂
Cāng Ěr Zǐ 蒼耳子
Cang Zhu 蒼朮
Cao Dou Kou 草豆蔻
Cao Guo 草果
Cè Bǎi Yè 側柏葉
Chái Hú 柴胡
Chán Sū 蟾酥
Chán Tuì 蟬蜕
Che Qian Zi 車前子
Chén Pí (Jú Pí) 陳皮
Chén Xiāng 沉香
Chi Fu Ling 赤茯苓
Chì Sháo 赤芍
Chì Shí Zhī 赤石脂
Chi Xiao Dou 赤小豆
Chuān Bèi Mǔ 川貝母
Chuān Liàn Zǐ (Jīn Líng Zǐ) 川楝子
Chuān Niú Xī 川牛膝
Chuān Shān Jiǎ 穿山甲
Chuān Xīn Lián 穿心蓮
Chuān Xiōng 川芎
Chūn (Gēn) Pí 椿(根)皮
Cí Shí 磁石
Cōng Bái 蔥白
Find by Category
- Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices
- Aromatic that Transform Dampness
- Calm the Spirit
- Clear Heat from Deficiency
- Clear Heat, Cool Blood
- Clear Heat, Drain Fire
- Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
- Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
- Cool, Acrid, Release the Exterior
- Dispel Wind-Dampness
- Downward Draining
- Drain Damp
- Expel Parasites
- Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors
- Food Stagnation
- Invigorate Blood
- Obsolete and Prohibited Substances
- Parasites
- Regulate Qi
- Stabilize and Bind
- Stop Bleeding
- Stop Cough, Calm Wheezing
- Substances for Topical Applications
- Tonify Blood
- Tonify Qi
- Tonify Yang
- Tonify Yin
- Transform Phlegm Heat
- Transform Phlegm-Cold
- Warm Interior, Expel Cold
- Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior
- Warms the Interior, Expel Cold
This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.