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Chuān Xīn Lián 穿心蓮

Pharmaceutical name Andrographitis Herba Andrographis paniculata herb green chiretta, kariyat “penetrate the heart lotus” “thread-the-heart lotus”
Category Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Key Properties Cools, Resolves Toxicity
Properties Bitter
Tropism LI, LU, SI, ST
Actions & Indications 1) Clears Heat & Resolves Fire Toxicity
(Dysentery, stranguria, rash, Throat/LU Damp-Heat)
2) Clears Heat, Dries Dampness & Stops Diarrhea
Dosages 6-15g
Contraindications (TCM) Bitter and cold; can readiiy injure ST Qi
Should not take long term or too high a dose
Contraindications (Western) Caution during pregnancy, abortifacient effect
Chemical Composition Andrographolide, neoandrographolide, deoxyandrographolide, ninandrographolide, deoxyandrographiside, andrographiside, andrographoside, homoandrograholide
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: mild inhibitory effect in vitro against Diplococcus pneumoniae and β-hemolytic streptococcus; however, quite effective in treating infections in vivo; has been proposed that its effectiveness in treating infections due in part to immune-enhancing effect
• Antipyretic: andrographolide and neoandrographolide have antibiotic effects and are effective in reducing fever associated with infection
• Anti-inflammatory: administration associated with stimulation of adrenal cortex and secretion of corticosteroids, thereby exerting anti-inflammatory effects
• Immunostimulant: decoction enhances immune system and increases phagocytic activity of white blood cells
• Antivenin: extract may be used as anti-snake venom, markedly delayed death of mice following snake bites; exact mechanism of action unclear
• Abortifacient: intraperitoneal injection terminated pregnancy in mice in first, second or third trimester
• Hepatoprotective and cholagogic: increases weight of liver and production and excretion of bile acid; in laboratory studies, andrographolide effective in protecting liver against foreign substances, such as carbon tetrachloride, and effectively lowered SGPT and SGOT
• Cardiovascular: water extract found to have marked effect on cardiovascular system by decreasing mean arterial blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner, without significant decrease in heart rate; exact mechanism of action unclear, but it has been suggested that the hypotensive effect is related to α-adrenoceptors, not β-adrenoceptors
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.