
Classical Formula Glossary

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Ba Zheng San (Eight Herb Powder for Rectification) 八正散


Formula Type Formulas that Expel Dampness
Diagnosis Damp-Heat collecting in the lower jiao, specifically the BL
Action Clears heat, drains fire, promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling
Indication Dark turbid, scanty, difficult and painful urination, dry mouth and throat. T: yellow, greasy coat; P: slippery, rapid
Remarks In severe cases, may be urinary retention and lower abdominal distention and pain: painful urinary dribbling or urinary retention

Mu Tong (Chuan) (Organic) (6 g)

Hua Shi (tested) (15 g)

Che Qian Zi (Organic) (15 g)

Qu Mai (tested) (15 g)

Bian Xu (15 g)

Zhi Zi (tested) (9 g)

Da Huang (Jiu Zhi) (15 g)

Deng Xin Cao (4.5 g)

Gan Cao (Zhi) (9 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.