
Single Herb Glossary

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Zhī Zǐ 梔子

Pharmaceutical name Gardeniae Fructus Gardenia (Jasminoides) fruit
Category Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Key Properties Resolves constrained heat
Directs Damp-Heat downward & out (via urine)
Cools the blood
Breaks up toxic accumulations
Properties Bitter
Tropism HT, LU, ST, LV, SJ
Actions & Indications 1) Drains Heat, Eliminates Irritability (Drain Heat from all 3 Jiao)
2) Clears Heat & Resolves Dampness (urinary dribbling (Lin Syn) due to Damp Heat in Lower Jiao)
3) Cools the Blood & Resolves Toxicity (nosebleed, Blood in vomit/urine etc. (best charred))
4) Reduces Swelling, Moves Blood Stasis due to Trauma (mix with egg white)
Dosages 6-9g
Contraindications (TCM) Caution with Cold from SP & ST Deficiency with reduced appetite & loose stools; may cause drowsiness and sedation
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Gardenoside, geniposide, jeminoidin, genipin-1-β-D-gentiobioside,
shanzhiside, genipin, geniposidic acid
Pharmacological Effects • Analgesic and sedative: intravenous injection of geniposide has mild analgesic effects in mice
• Antihypertensive: effective via oral, intravenous or intraperitoneal injections; effective in cats, mice and rabbits and in normal or anesthetized subjects; hypotensive effect may be due to stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system; hypotensive effect may also result from decrease of cardiac contractility and cardiac output; ruled out possibilities include inhibition of adrenal cortical secretion and inhibition of baroreceptor reflex; antihypertensive effect cannot be negated by intravenous injection of procaine
• Hepatoprotective: associated with marked hepatoprotective function as it lowers serum bilirubin, liver enzymes, and prevents death of hepatocytes; one study showed reduced damage caused by carbon tetrachloride; also reduces extent and severity of liver damage associated with acute jaundice in mice; in another study, risk of acute onset of hepatitis associated with aminogalactose extract is significantly reduced if extract given 24 to 48 hours earlier as prophylaxis
• Cholagogic: geniposide has marked effectiveness to stimulate bile production, enhance contraction of the gallbladder, and increase excretion of bile into the intestines in rats and rabbits; effective dose for geniposide is 25 mg/kg, given orally or intravenously
• Gastrointestinal: 25 mg/kg of geniposide given orally may decrease the secretion of gastric acid and increase pH in the stomach in rats; intravenous injection of 100 mg/kg of geniposide decreases peristalsis of the gastrointestinal system
• CNS suppressant: intraperitoneal injection of extract in rats has an inhibitory effect on CNS; decreased spontaneous activity, increased sleeping time induced by barbiturates by up to 12 times, and decreased body temperature by 3°C for up to 7 hours
• Antibiotic: inhibitory activity against S. aureus, Neisseria meningitidis, and dermatophytes; herbal decoction has demonstrated bactericidal action against leptospira and schistosoma
Herb-Drug Interactions • Sedatives: concurrent use with barbituates may increase drug-induced sleeping time
Classical Formula(s)

Ke Xue Fang (Coughing of Blood Formula) 咳血方

Xin Yi Qing Fei Yin (Magnolia Flower Drink to Clear the Lungs) 辛夷清肺飲

Yue Ju Wan (Escape Restraint Pill) 越鞠丸

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Resolve Toxicity) 黃蓮解毒湯 (黄连解毒汤)

Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang (Schizonepeta and Forsythia Decoction) 荊芥連翹湯

Lian Po Yin (Coptis and Magnolia Bark Decoction) 蓮朴飲

Liang Ge San (Cool the Diaphragm powder) 涼膈散

Qing Wen Bai Du Yin (Xi Jiao substituted with Shui Niu Jiao) (Clear Epidemics and Overcome Toxicity Drink 清瘟敗毒飲

Qing Xin Li Ge Tang (Clear the Heart and Enable the Diaphragm Decoction) 清心利膈湯

Sang Xing Tang (Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction) 桑杏湯

Shi Gao Tang (Gypsum Decoction) 石膏湯

Shi Hui San (Ten Partially-Charred Substances Powder) 十灰散

Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction) 天麻芶藤飲 (天麻勾藤饮)

Wu Lin San (Powder for Five Types of Painful Urinary Dribbling) 五淋散

Zhi Zi Chi Tang (Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction) 栀子豉湯

Ba Zheng San (Eight Herb Powder for Rectification) 八正散

Dang Gui Long Hui Wan (Tangkuei, Gentian, and Aloe Pill) (delete she xiang) 當歸龍薈丸 (減麝香)

Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (Saposhnikovia powder that sagely unblocks) 防風通聖散

Xiao Ji Yin Zi (Small Thistle Drink) 小蓟飲子

Xie Huang San (Drain the Yellow Powder) 瀉黃散

Xuan Bi Tang (Disband Painful Obstruction Decoction) 宣痺湯

Yin Chen Hao Tang (Artemisia Yinchenhao Decoction) 茵陳蒿湯 (茵陈蒿汤)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.