
Classical Formula Glossary

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Yu Shu Dan (delete She Xiang, Xiong Huang, Zhu Sha) (Jade Pivot Special Pill) 玉樞丹(減麝香,雄黃,硃砂)


Formula Type Formulas that Open the Sensory Orifices
Diagnosis N/A
Action Expel PhlegemOpen orificesMove turbid downwardTransform turbid
Indication Dry cholera d/t turbid phlegm obstructions, convulsion d/t phlegm in children, mumps in children and N/V
Remarks N/A

Shan Ci Gu (9 g)

Da Ji (4.5 g)

Wu Bei Zi (9 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.