
Classical Formula Glossary

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Wen Dan Tang (Warm Gallbladder Decoction) 溫膽湯 (温胆汤)


Formula Type Formulas that Dry Dampness and transform Phlegm
Diagnosis Dysharmony between gall bladder and stomach with phlegm heat obstructing the Qi dynamic
Action Regulates Qi, transforms phlegm, clears the gall bladder and harmonizes the stomach
Indication Dizziness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, palpitations, anxiety, hunger, seizures, accompanied by coupious sputum, focal distention of the chest, bitter taste in the mouth, slight thirst, greasy yellow tongue coating, and rapid pulse, or slippery, or wiry
Remarks For deficiency irritability due to constrained by phlegm-heat. May also have feelings of apprehension, or hypersensitivity to noise, sounds, smells

Zhu Ru (tested) (6 g)

Zhi Shi (Chao) (tested) (6 g)

Ban Xia (Fa) (Organic) (6 g)

Chen Pi (tested) (9 g)

Fu Ling (Organic) (4.5 g)

Gan Cao (Zhi) (3 g)

Sheng Jiang (Organic) (5 g)

Da Zao (1 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.