
Classical Formula Glossary

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Su He Xiang Wan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha, An Xi Xiang) (Liquid Styrax Pill) 蘇合香丸(減麝香,硃砂,安息香)


Formula Type Formulas that Open the Sensory Orifices
Diagnosis Cold-dampness and turbid phlegm veiling the sensory orifices
Action Warms and aromatically opens the sensory orifices, promotes the movement of qi, and transforms turbidity
Indication Sudden collapse, loss of consciousness, clenched jaw, fullness, pain and a sensation of cold in the chest and abdomen, pale complexion, purple lips, excessive mucus, cold extremities, T: pale with a slippery, greasy ctP: submerged slippery
Remarks For a variety of acute closed disorders due to excessive cold.

Bing Pian (0.5 g)

Mu Xiang (tested) (9 g)

Tan Xiang (5 g)

Ru Xiang (9 g)

Ding Xiang (3 g)

Xiang Fu (Zhi) (tested) (12 g)

Bi Ba(tested) (4.5 g)

Shui Niu Jiao (30 g)

He Zi (tested) (9 g)

Bai Zhu (Organic) (15 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.