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Shuǐ Niú Jiǎo 水牛角

Pharmaceutical name Bubali Cornu
Category Clear Heat, Cool Blood
Key Properties Cools nutritive & blood level heat
Clears heat from HT channel
Resolves toxic rashes & sores
Stops bleeding d/t heat in blood
Properties Salty
Tropism HT, LV, ST
Actions & Indications 1) Clear heat, Resolves Fire Toxicity, Cools the Blood
2) Clears heat, arrests tremors
3) Often used as a Substitute for Xi Jiao
Dosages 30-120g in decoction
6-15g as powder
Contraindications (TCM) Caution: Cold Def of Middle Jiao; pregnancy (cold can injure fetus)
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition
Pharmacological Effects
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

Qing Gong Tang (Clear the Palace Decoction) 清宫湯

Qing Wen Bai Du Yin (Xi Jiao substituted with Shui Niu Jiao) (Clear Epidemics and Overcome Toxicity Drink 清瘟敗毒飲

Qing Ying Tang (clear the nutritive-level decoction)清營湯 (清营汤)

Su He Xiang Wan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha, An Xi Xiang) (Liquid Styrax Pill) 蘇合香丸(減麝香,硃砂,安息香)

Hua Ban Tang (Transform Maculae Decoction) (deleted jing mi, replaced xi jiao with shui niu jiao) 化斑湯 (減粳米) (犀角用水牛角代替)

Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang (Ling Yang Jiao substituted with Shui Niu Jiao (Antelope Horn and Unicaria Decoction)羚角鉤藤湯 (羚角钩藤汤)

Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang (Rhinoceros Horns and Rehmannia Decoction) 犀角地黃湯

Zhen Zhu Mu Wan (Mother-of-Pearl Pill) (deleted chen xiang) 珍珠母丸 (減沉香)

Zhi Bao Dan (Greatest Treasure Special Pill) (deleted Niu Huang, She Xiang, Xiong Huang, Zhu Sha, An Xi Xiang; Dai Mao substituted with Bie Jia) 至寶丹(減牛黃,麝香,雄黃,硃砂,安息香;玳瑁用鱉甲代替)

Zi Xue Dan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha; Ling Yang Jiao substituted with Shui Niu Jiao) (Purple Snow Special Pill) 紫雪丹(減麝香,朱砂;羚羊角用水牛角代替)

An Gong Niu Huang Wan (delete Niu Huang, She Xiang, Xiong Huang, Zhu Sha) (Calm the Palace Pill with Cattle Gallstone) 安宮牛黃丸(減牛黃,麝香,雄黃,朱砂)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.