
Classical Formula Glossary

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Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Drive Out Stasis from the Lower Abdomen Decoction) 少腹逐瘀湯


Formula Type Formulas that Regulate the Blood
Diagnosis Blood stasis accumulating in the lower abdomen caused by Cold
Action Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, warms the menses, alleviates pain
Indication Palpable masses that may or may not be painful or lower abdominal pain without palpable masses, or lower abdominal distention, or lower back pain and lower abdominal distention during menstruation, or frequent menstruation (3-5 times per month) with dark or purple menstrual blood (usually with clots), or abnormal uterine bleeding accompanied by lower abdominal soreness and pain; also signs of cold, including aversion to cold, low or depressed mood, cold extremities, white discharges, pale tongue
Remarks Recently used to treat cirrhosis of the liver with edema with addition of Sheng Di Huang, Xiang Fu, Wu Yao, Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Si Gua Luo

Xiao Hui Xiang (Chao) (1.5 g)

Gan Jiang (Organic) (0.5 g)

Yan Hu Suo (Zhi) (tested) (3 g)

Dang Gui (tested) (9 g)

Chuan Xiong (tested) (3 g)

Mo Yao (3 g)

Rou Gui (3 g)

Chi Shao (Organic) (6 g)

Pu Huang (tested) (9 g)

Wu Ling Zhi (Chao) (6 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.