
Classical Formula Glossary

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Wan Dai Tang (End Discharge Decoction) 完帶湯 (完带汤)


Formula Type Formulas that Stabilize and Bind
Diagnosis SP deficiency with dampness and LV qi constrain
Action Tonifies middle Jiao Strengthens SP Transforms dampness Stops vaginal discharge
Indication Profuse, thin, white or pale-yellow vaginal discharge, fatigue, a shiny, pale complexion, loose stoolsT: pale with a white coating P: soggy and frail or moderate
Remarks This is deficiency of the Dai Mai. Also for diarrhea, edema during menstruation or pregnancy, headache, and dizziness.

Bai Zhu (Tu Chao) (30 g)

Shan Yao (Chao) (30 g)

Ren Shen (Organic) (Red) (6 g)

Cang Zhu (Fu Chao) (9 g)

Chen Pi (tested) (1.5 g)

Che Qian Zi (Organic) (9 g)

Bai Shao (Jiu Chao) (15 g)

Chai Hu (Organic) (2 g)

Jing Jie (Tan) (1.5 g)

Gan Cao (tested) (3 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.