
Classical Formula Glossary

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Suan Zao Ren Tang (Sour Jujube Decoction) 酸棗仁湯 (酸枣仁汤)


Formula Type Formulas that Calm the Spirit
Diagnosis LV blood deficiency with constraint and internal fire
Action Nourishes the bloodCalms the spiritClears heatEliminates irritability
Indication Irritability, inability to sleep, palpitations, night sweats, dizziness and vertigo, dry throat and mouthT: dryP: wiry or thin, rapid
Remarks This is deficiency irritability, often arising in the wake of an illness or exhaustion from overwork.Also for pain such as trigeminal neuralgia and migraine.

Suan Zao Ren (tested) (18 g)

Fu Ling (Organic) (6 g)

Zhi Mu (6 g)

Chuan Xiong (tested) (6 g)

Gan Cao (tested) (3 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.