
Classical Formula Glossary

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Si Shen Wan (Four-Miracle Pill) 四神丸


Formula Type Formulas that Stabilize and Bind
Diagnosis Insufficient fire at the gate of vitality with SP and KD yang deficiency
Action Warms and tonifies the SP and KDBinds up the intestinesStops diarrhea
Indication Day break diarrhea (possibly with abdominal pain),poor appetite, inability to digest food, lower back soreness, cold limbs, fatigueT: pale with a thin white coatingP: submerged, slow and forceless
Remarks Also for other types of leakage due to insufficient fire at the gate of vitality.

Bu Gu Zhi (tested) (9 g)

Wu Zhu Yu (4.5 g)

Rou Dou Kou (9 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.