
Classical Formula Glossary

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Ren Shen Bai Du San (Gingseng Powder to Over come Pathogenic Influences) 人參敗毒散


Formula Type Formulas that Release the Exterior
Diagnosis External wind-cold-dampness with pre-existing deficient qi
Action Release the exteriorDispel wind & dampAugment Qi
Indication High fever and severe chills with shivering. No sweat Pain and stiffness of the head and neck, soreness and pain of the extremities, focal distention and fullness of the chestNasal congestion, productive cough
Remarks Also used for early-stage dysenteric disorders from wind-cold-dampness and measles.

Qiang Huo (tested) (9 g)

Du Huo (tested) (9 g)

Chuan Xiong (tested) (9 g)

Chai Hu (Organic) (9 g)

Jie Geng (Organic) (9 g)

Zhi Ke (Chao) (tested) (9 g)

Qian Hu (tested) (9 g)

Ren Shen (Organic) (Red) (9 g)

Fu Ling (Organic) (9 g)

Gan Cao (tested) (4.5 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.