
Single Herb Glossary

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Xià Kū Cǎo 夏枯草

Pharmaceutical name Prunellae Spica Prunella vulgaris spike selfheal spike “summer withering grass”
Category Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Key Properties Cools Liver fire
Disperses clumps
Benefits the eyes
Properties Bitter
Tropism GB, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Clears Liver Fire, Brightens the Eyes
2) Clears Heat, Dissipates Nodules
3) Used for Hypertension with Liver Fire or ascending Yang
Dosages 9-15g
Contraindications (TCM) Caution with SP & ST weakness & Def
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Prunellin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, carotene, camphor, fenchone, rutin, hyperin, hyperside, delphinidin, cyanidin, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, deucosterol, β-amyrin
Pharmacological Effects • Antihypertensive: water and alcohol extracts have rapid onset of effect in reducing blood pressure; antihypertensive effect generally attributed to vasodilation; in dogs with renal hypertension, daily administration was effective in reducing blood pressure; unfortunately, blood pressure returned to previous levels upon discontinuation of herbal therapy; stems, leaves, flowers and entire plant all have antihypertensive functions
• Anti-inflammatory: marked anti-inflammatory action in rabbits; exact mechanism of action unclear, may be due in part to increased secretion of ACTH and/or glucocorticoids
• Antibiotic: inhibitory effects against Shigella spp., Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus spp., and dermatophytes
• Effect on lipoma: marked effectiveness in treating lipoma in animals; however, this therapeutic effect only achieved with large dosage, which is associated with toxic reactions
• Smooth muscle stimulant: stimulates contractility of uterine and intestinal muscles
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.