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Jiang Ban Xia  半夏(薑)

Pharmaceutical name Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum pinellia rhizome "half summer"
Category Transform Phlegm-Cold
Key Properties Acrid for Opening, Slippery for Directing
Rebellious Qi Downward, and Bitter for Drying; Best used for Thin Phlegm or Dampness as well as Rebellious
Stomach Qi
Properties Acrid
Tropism LU, SP, ST
Actions & Indications 1) Dries Dampness, Transforms Phlegm, and Causes Rebellious Qi to Descend
2) Directs Rebellious Qi Downward and Stops Vomiting
3) Dissipates Nodules and Reduces Clumps
Dosages 3-9g (only the prepared herb is for internal use)
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Extreme caution in patients
with dry cough from Yin Def, sore throat from fire excess, Bleeding or hot Phlegm
Contraindications (Western) May cause allergic reactions: redness and excruciating itch throughout entire body
Chemical Composition Homogentisic acid, homogentisic acid glucoside, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, 3,4-dihydroyxybenzaldehyde diglucoside, choline
Pharmacological Effects • Antitussive: oral or intravenous administration has marked and prolonged antitussive effects in cats; duration of action is approximately 5 hours
• Antiemetic: administration of herb processed with ginger or alumen demonstrated marked antiemetic effects; such preparations were especially effective in relieving nausea and vomiting induced by chemicals; though exact mechanism of action is unclear, probably due to effect the central nervous system
• Antineoplastic: administration in rats associated with inhibitory effect on growth of cancer cells in liver
Herb-Drug Interactions • Incompatible with Fu Zi, Wu Tou, and Cao Wu
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.