
Single Herb Glossary

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Bái Jiè Zǐ 白芥子

Pharmaceutical name Sinapis Semen white mustard seed
Category Transform Phlegm-Cold
Key Properties Penetrates the Yin to restore movement to the Yang
Transforms Cold-Phlegm
Dissipates Clumps
Properties Acrid
Tropism LU
Actions & Indications 1) Warms the Lungs, Regulates Qi, & Expels Phlegm
2) Promotes Movement of Qi, Disperses Clumps, Unblocks the Collaterals, & Stops Pain
Dosages 3-9g. Do not decoct for a long period of time.
Contraindications (TCM) Chronic cough from Lung Deficiency or Flaring of Fire due to either Yin Deficiency or blazing ST Fire.
Over dosage readily causes diarrhea.
Contraindications (Western) Topical application irritates skin, may cause allergic reactions or blisters
Should be kept away from eyes
Caution with sensititive skin
Chemical Composition Sinalbin, sinapine, myrosin, lipids, protein
Pharmacological Effects • Expectorant: associated with expectorant effect
• Dermatological: direct contact has stimulating effect on skin, causing redness, swelling, and formation of blisters; when used as topical application, should not be left on skin for more than 15 to 30 minutes
• Antibiotic: water extract has inhibitory influence against some pathogenic fungi and dermatophytes
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three seed Decoction to Nourish One's Parents) 三子養親湯

Yang He Tang(Balmy yang Decoction) 養和湯


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.