
Single Herb Glossary

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Zhǐ Ké (Zhǐ Qiào) 枳殼

Pharmaceutical name Aurantii Fructus Bitter orange
Category Regulate Qi
Key Properties Promotes the flow of Qi
Unblocks plugs
Properties Bitter, Acrid
Slightly Cold
Tropism SP, ST, LI
Actions & Indications 1) Promotes the Flow of Qi (all Jiaos)
Dosages 3-9g
Contraindications (TCM) Caution during pregnancy, Sp and St Deficiency
Contraindications (Western) Caution with gastric or duodenal ulcers, acidity may irritate gastrointestinal tract
Chemical Composition Synephrine, N-methyltyramine, hesperidin, neohesperidin, nobiletin, desmethyl nobiletin, quinoline, narcotine, noradrenaline, quinoline, narcotine, tryptamine, tyramine, naringin, rhoifolin, and lonicerin
Pharmacological Effects • Cardiovascular: intravenous injection showed marked ability to increase blood pressure, lower the oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle, and promote diuresis
• Respiratory: synephrine demonstrated moderate effect to relax and dilate airways
• Antiplatelet: antiplatelet action, inhibits thrombus formation in rats
• Antineoplastic: nobiletin has demonstrated antineoplastic action in nose and throat cancer with ED50 of 3 to 28 µg/ml
Herb-Drug Interactions • Anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs: herb has antiplatelet action, should be used with caution in patients who take anticoagulant or antiplatelet med ications; may potentiate effect of drugs such as warfarin
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.