
Single Herb Glossary

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Ròu Cóng Róng 肉蓯蓉

Pharmaceutical name Cistanches Herba Fleshy stem of the broomrape
Category Tonify Yang
Key Properties Tonify KD yang
Enriches the essence & blood
Moistens the Intestines
Properties Sweet, Salty, Warm
Tropism LI, KD
Actions & Indications 1) Tonify KD Yang, Augments Essence & Blood (KD Yang Deficiency, cold womb)
2) Moistens the intestines and Facilitates Passage of Stool
Dosages 9-21g
Contraindications (TCM) Diarrhea due to weak ST/SP, Yin Def & Heat
KD Yin Deficiency patients or those who are easily sexually aroused but experience premature ejaculation
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition β-sitosterol, succinic acid, caffeic acid, amino acids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc
Pharmacological Effects • Immunostimulant: administration of water extract at 50 to 100 mg/kg associated with increase in weight of the spleen, and increased phagocytic activities by the macrophages
• Endocrine: stimulating effect on endocrine system to increase secretion by hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and reproductive organs
• Gastrointestinal: increases peristalsis of intestines, decreases absorption of water in large intestine, and relieves constipation
Herb-Drug Interactions • General: increases activities of neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the hypothalamus; may interact with drugs such as sympathomimetics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.