
Single Herb Glossary

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Dōng Chóng Xià Cǎo 冬蟲夏草

Pharmaceutical name Cordyceps Chinese caterpillar fungus "winter bug summer herb"
Category Tonify Yang
Key Properties Gently tonifies KD Yang, Augments Essence
Tonifies Lungs, Settles cough & wheezing, Stop sweating
Properties Sweet
Tropism LU, KD
Actions & Indications 1) Augments the Kidneys & Tonifies the Yang
2) Tonifies KD Yang, Augment LU Yin, Transform Phlegm, & Stops Bleeding (consumptive cough w/ blood streaked sputum)
Dosages 3-9g
Contraindications (TCM) Caution with Exterior conditions

Side effects may include: headache, irritability, restlessness, edema, swelling of face and extremities, epistaxis, decreased volume of urine, yellow, greasy tongue coat, thready, rapid pulse
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Cordycepic acid 7 to 9%, cordycepin, 3-deoxyadenosine, amino acid approximately 25%
Pharmacological Effects • Adrenocortical: shown to stimulate secretion of adrenal gland hormones in mice
• Immunostimulant: shown to enhance phagocytic activities of macrophages
• Male reproductive: decoction shown to increase sperm count and sperm motility in mice
• Sedative and hypnotic: decoction given to mice on a daily basis increases duration and improves quality of sleep
• Cardiovascular: administration associated with decrease in heart rate and blood pressure for over one hour; decreases oxygen requirement of cardiac muscles in mice
• Antiarrhythmic: administration decreases length and severity of aconite-induced cardiac arrhythmia in mice
• Antihyperlipidemic: administration lowers TG, TC, LDL and VLDL while increasing HDL in rats
• Antibiotic: antibiotic effect against Staphylococcal spp., Streptococcal spp., Bacillus anthracis, and some dermatophytes
• Antineoplastic: demonstrated preliminary effectiveness against cancer cell activity in mice
• Respiratory: dilates and relaxes bronchial muscles to relieve asthma; does not, however, have any antitussive or expectorant effects
• Others: increases colony-forming units (CFU) and platelets
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.