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Nan Shā Shēn 南沙參

Pharmaceutical name Adenophorae Radix adenophora root "southern sand root"
Category Tonify Yin
Key Properties Nourishes Yin of LU & ST
Clears Heat
Generates Fluids
Properties Sweet
Sl. Bitter
Tropism LU, ST
Actions & Indications 1) Moistens LU & Stops Coughs
2) Nourishes ST, Generates Fluids, & Clears Heat
3) Moistens the Exterior
Dosages 9-15g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: cough due to Cold-Wind; antagonizes Fen Fang Ji
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Taraxerone, β-sitosterol, shashenoside I, II, III; syringinoside, linoleic acid, ikshusterol, sessili folic 3-o-isovalerate, camphene, eucalyptol, camphor, azulene, bornyl acetate, daucosterol
Pharmacological Effects • Antitussive: decoction has antitussive effect in rabbits that lasts approximately 4 hours
• Cardiovascular: administration of 1% solution of Nan Sha Shen demonstrated cardiotonic effect that lasted approximately 5 minutes on the heart of frog specimens
• Antibiotic: antifungal effect against various pathogenic fungus and dermatophytes
Herb-Drug Interactions • Incompatible with Li Lu (Veratri nigri Radix et Rhizoma)
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.