
Single Herb Glossary

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Ē Jiāo 阿膠

Pharmaceutical name Asini Corii Colla ass-hide glue, donkey-hide gelatin, gelatin
Category Tonify Blood
Key Properties Tonifies Liver Blood, Moistens Lung Yin
Replenishes KD essence
Stops bleeding
Properties Sweet
Tropism KD, LV, LU
Actions & Indications 1) Tonifies Blood
2) Nourishes Blood & Stops Bleeding
3) Nourishes & Moistens Yin
Dosages 3-9g
Separately dissolved then added to strained decoction
Contraindications (TCM) SP and ST deficiency with loose stools, diarrhea or poor appetite
Phlegm or Damp accumulation
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Collagen, amino acids (lysine, arginine, histadine, glycine, cysteine), sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, and zinc
Pharmacological Effects • Hematological: a group of dogs with post-hemorrhage anemia were divided into three groups: those that received a placebo, those that received iron, and those that received E Jiao; increase in red blood cell count and hemoglobin was most prominent in E Jiao group, followed by iron group, and lastly, placebo group
• Cardiovascular: intravenous infusion of 5 to 6% E Jiao beneficial in treating cats with post -hemorrhage shock
• Effect on calcium metabolism: daily ingestion of 30 grams in dogs increased absorption and utilization of calcium carbonate; plasma levels of calcium also increased
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

San Jia Fu Mai Tang (Three-Shell Decoction to Restore the Pulse) 三甲復脈湯

Wu Shi Lian Mei Tang (Master Wu's Coptis and Mume Decoction) 吳氏連梅湯

Bu Fei E Jiao Tang (delete Ma Dou Ling) (Tonify the lungs with ass-hide gelatin 補肺阿膠湯(減馬兜鈴)

Da Ding Feng Zhu (Major Arrest Wind Pearl) 大定風珠

Huang Lian E Jiao Tang (Coptis and Ass-Hide Gelatin Decoction) 黃蓮阿膠湯

Jiao Ai Tang (Ass-Hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction) 膠艾湯

Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoctions) 清燥救肺湯

Shou Tai Wan (Fetus Longevity Pill) 壽胎丸

Wen Jing Tang (Flow-Warming Decoction) 溫經湯

Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction) 豬苓湯 (猪苓汤)

Bai Tou Weng Jia Gan Cao E Jiao Tang (Pulsatilla Decoction plus Licorice and Ass-Hide Gelatin) 白頭翁加甘草阿膠湯

Bie Jia Jian Wan (delete Qiang Lang) (Soft-Shelled Turtle Dec) 鳖甲煎丸 (减蜣螂)

E Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang (Ass-Hide Gelatin and Egg Yolk Decoction) 阿膠雞子黃湯

Huang Tu Tang (delete Zao Xin Tu) (Yellow Earth Decoction) 黃土湯(減灶心土)

Jiu Xian San (delete Mi Zhi Ying Su Ke) (Nine-Immortal Powder) 九仙散(減蜜製罌粟殼)

Zhi Gan Cao Tang (Prepared licorice decoction) 炙甘草湯 (炙甘草汤)

Zhu Che Wan (Halt the Carts Pill) 駐車丸


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.